So, we live in the country and we seemed to have acquired a coyote as a pet. I assume since he eats our chickens he would be considered our pet. Anyway, we have to be careful when we let Cooper out and so I usually keep him on a leash. Well, today I was going to work in the back and I thought it would be nice if I could let cooper run free. I would of course keep an eye on him. After all, Cooper believes he is farm dog. So I ask my wife and she just looks at me and says “if Cooper doesn’t come back, don’t bother coming back yourself”. I said, “ok”, and took him outside without a leash. The boy walks perfectly by my side and I am thinking he is finally trained. Then he sees the chickens and the next thing I know he is 100 yards away. As he is running, he looks back at me as if to say, Sucker! It was at that time that I wished I had at least put a sleeping bag in the goat barn.
My wife went to Costco last week and bought a case of her favorite soup. It is the creamy tomato soup that she loves. She went to get a box to heat up when she finds the entire case empty. I guess I shouls just keep a lot of cans of pineapple so everything else is spared.