Aug 28 - Sep 3

I just had my 20,000 mile maintenance check on my Electric Mustang. Electric cars don’t have radiators, nor do they have distributors or spark plugs. They don’t have transmissions, nor do they have oil to change. They don’t have exhaust systems or catalytic converters. They really don’t have anything to maintain. Yet, when I bought my car the salesperson wore me down to get the extended maintenance program. After 3 hours in the room I was so exhausted I gave in and said, I will take it.

So today, do you know what they did for maintenance? The poor mechanic had to check the air in all 4 tires, and the poor guy had to check the windshield wiper fluid.  Should I have tipped him?

Aug 7 - 13

Aliens are amongst us.

So we get back from 3 days at Santa Cruz and my wife asked me if I washed the side door. I said what? This a double French door next to the garage. I look and the bottom of the door is wet, all the bricks in front of the door are wet, and the concrete which is part of the driveway is wet. But the concrete is wet in a straight line. Like someone purposely washed the door to not make a mess. I thought it was a broken pipe and ran up to the roof to see what was wet up there, but everything else including the other side of the door was dry. So only the outside of the door was wet. There was nothing missing like maybe there was aunsuccessful break in. This was all in the morning shade so it wouldn’t have evaporated too quickly. So the aliens were just there and we missed them. Shucks, I always wanted to meet one of those beings.

Jul 31 - Aug 6

So you know how children have a difficult time when their parents separate, well Cooper appears to be going through that now. My wife recently took a trip to Kansas City for an adoption conference, and after a few days of her getting back it became clear she had COVID. So, I am back in the back bedroom again (again because she had COVID before) and Cooper thinks we have divorced. He just looks at me with these really sad eyes and follows me around where ever I go. He never brings the ball anymore and he has stopped playing. Tomorrow, I am let back in to my wife’s bedroom, so hopefully he will go back to normal and be the annoying pooch he is known for.