Mar 4 - 10

So, it is widely known that it is best to raise children with two parents. Mainly because when one gets exhausted there is a back up. I am sure there are other reasons but not as significant as someone to give you relief.

Well, when raising a dog, especially one that has extreme ADHD, two pet parents is a must. Again, when you are worn out form throwing the ball, sometimes you just need to hide. However, unlike children, dogs can whine and as they continue, they get louder.

My wife is away for the weekend, but when she is home I always beg her to try and wear Cooper out before I get home. Well, it turns out nothing wears him out. Even now he just sits there and growls at me when I am on the computer. I guess the only solution is to find him a girlfriend, a spayed girlfriend.

Feb 26 - Mar 3

Do you remember several months ago when I wrote about a song that got into my head and I couldn’t figure out why. The song turned out to be Summertime from the play Porgy & Bess from the 1920’s. I could not figure out how this song got into my head because I hadn’t watched the movie with Sidney Poitier since the 60’s.

My only conclusion was that someone from another time and dimension was trying to contact me.

When this started I knew it was an old song and so I would spend hours listening to old music trying to find it. After several months I discovered it when I listened to music from the 30’s. Well the solution finally was revealed to me as none other than by the Farrelly Brothers.

Recently I watched the movie There’s Something About Mary, which I watch about every year or so. In the movie Cameron Diaz’s older roommate plays the song exactly like I had it in my mind. Funny that I had no recollection of it, but once I saw her put on the record, it was obvious.

So now I guess I need to lay off that psychic that specializes in past life communication. Too bad, we were making such good progress.

Oh I have included another photo of Cooper and his new best friend.

Feb 19 - 25

Ok, so after my son talked for 5 days straight, I took him to purchase a Russian hamster. It isn’t really Russian, but is from that part of the world.

It is kind of cute, but Cooper, thinks it is his new best friend. The hamster cage is sitting on a desk in the family room. Cooper just sits on the floor whining, because he wants to play with it I think. I hope he just wants to play with it, anyway, he found a way to jump up on the desk to be close to it. If he can’t get up he sits there and barks at us until we bring him a chair so he can get up. This goes on and on and is very reminiscent of my son talking.

Anyway, my son seems to already have lost interest, but Cooper is very interested. Again, I hope as a friend and not a snack.

Feb 12 - 18

My daughter got a pet cat today. She works at the Roseville SPCA and she found a rescue cat. So of course, my son now has to have a new pet.

We have had it all since we moved up here in the foothills. We have had fish, big ugly lizards, (we had to raise crickets for those lizards), turtles, those big rat like things, rats, chickens, ducks, goats (twice), rabbits (twice), mini horses and not to mention all the predators we have encountered (bob cats, raccoons, coyotes, rattle snakes, and river otters) along the way. We currently only have 2 dogs and a parakeet.

Well now I am afraid we may have to start all over again. For the last 8 hours all he has talked about is what new pet he is going to get. He started with exotic lizards, then rats again, then fish, then back to rats. And do you know what, I just don’t drink enough.