Vacay in Santa Cruz
Ok, so my wife took the 2 darling children down to Aptos on Tuesday, while I stayed home all week and took care of business and all the animals. On Friday morning I got up early and started to get everything ready. I played with Adam the hamster. I played with Stanley the cat, I played with Jake the parakeet and of course I played with Cooper all morning. I had a large list of items I had to pack and getting Cooper ready before someone came by to keep an eye on all the animals, was stressful. In the middle of all this I am answering text from everyone about everything at work, but I finally get the car packed knowing I forgot something. I get in the car and head out driving the electric Mustang with a full charge, and feeling pretty good about the trip. I turn on the radio and almost immediately this commercial comes on I just can't stand. It is a jewelry store that has locations in the Bay Area and Sacramento, and is on every channel I listen to.
So I tell Siri through the car to play my music. Son of a gun, the phone won't connect. What? Why won't it connect? Duh, because I didn't bring it. I turned around and went back and got it, but if it hadn't been for that commercial I would have gotten across Sacramento before i realized it.
I still hate those commercials though.
Jun 3 - 9
I apparently suffer from goose envy.
So we are out in the country and we have a small pond and our neighbor has a large pond. Our pond is also surrounded by trees, where as the neighbor’s pond is much more open. Consequently, when the geese fly over they always go next door, leaving me feeling like the kid no one wants to talk to. Well, last week a couple family of geese must have flown into their pond but one of the teenage geese landed on my side. It started crying because the rest of the family was living the dream in the fancy pond while this guy was stuck in the slum pond. Well it was driving me nuts that he was crying and I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t fly over. So I call my friend Tom who works with all the nature preserves and ask him what to do. He of course said you do nothing. This is nature.
Ok, so I am sitting out there while this guy keeps crying, I even put a ladder over there to no avail. After about another 45 minutes I went over grabbed the stubborn thing and threw it over the fence. He immediately joined his family and they all rejoiced. Every day since, I see what the rich side of the life is like, while I am gooseless. Well, today they all came into my yard and I now feel like I am on top of the world.
Except that I got up this morning and all the geese were staring at the neighbor’s pond thinking “OMG, we made a big mistake?"
May 27 - Jun 2
This is a nonpolitical political view of a story I read:
Ok so today I read a story of our national debt which now stands at 35 trillion dollars. That is $100,000 for each US citizen. In 1992 Ross Perot campaigned on the subject. In his comments (they are on YouTube) he stole quotes from a speech from Cisero of the Roman Empire, which were “You must have a balanced budget”. We continue to increase this debt every year no matter what party is in office. The problem is that no party with political ties will try to decrease the deficit. Any form of government that tries to raise taxes to pay off the debt or take away public benefits to pay off the debt, will get voted out of office, and the problem is this will inevitably fall on our children’s shoulders. My wife and I are trying to figure out how to take care of our 2 disabled children the rest of their lives. If the banking system collapses it would be worse than the Great Recession and that would especially affect the disabled. We must somehow make this an apolitical solution, and the only thing I can think of (and this is why I am not running for office) is to instill a national sales tax. I know that sounds terrible, but we have to do something. Maybe if we can just reduce the debt by a small margin each year, that would at least show some progress we haven’t yet achieved. But we have to do something.
And now for something serious:
I was in the downstairs bathroom, where we have this freestanding shower (I have spoke of before), when I noticed a cookie rapper hanging off the top. Ok, so my son is at it again. So I went and got a ladder, and looked on top. OMG, pineapple cans, girl scout cookie wrappers and the list goes on and on. And this is why you do not adopt tall children.
May 20 - 26
You know you are getting too old, when you see that the majority of your mail are advertisements for senior living facilities.
You know you appear too old when your wife implies that you are getting senile, because you didn’t respond to her question in a timely manner.
You don’t appreciate getting old when all the info on covid singles out older adults.
And finally you know you are old when you pass two woman walking their dogs and you find yourself staring at the dogs.