Aug 26 - Sep 1

The following is a paid advertisement.

Are you having trouble with your sinuses and or having your ears clog with earwax?  Well we have a solution for you. It is Phoebe’s Nasal and Ear Cleaning Service.

Say goodbye to your stuffy nose forever. You say you can’t hear because of earwax buildup. Listen to all your favorite songs again with Phoebe’s Nasal and Ear Cleaning Service.

In case you forgot Phoebe is our new puppy.

Aug 12 - 18

So training a puppy to not pee in the house appears more difficult than building the Golden Gate Bridge. Apparently, the previous owners trained our girl to do her business in the house, so we are having a difficult time trying to correct that. When she goes outside and does it, we can count the drops, but when she goes inside it is like fire hydrant. Hopefully you are not dining while you read this.
So my dentist has a dog named Cooper. When I go for my checkup, Cooper comes to me in the lobby and I scratch his neck and he just lies there. When I stop he gets up and just stares at me, like, “why did you stop scratching my neck”? So I start scratching again, and he immediately lies down, and this goes on over and over. Finally, I am called in and the dentist is working on me when I get a nudge. I look over and there is Cooper giving me the stare again, “there is no reason you can’t scratch my neck here”.
Ok, so as you know I hire a lot of adults with disabilities, and since I sold Sunrise Country Waffles, I am bringing 2 over from there to FlapJacks. So give John and Nathan a warm welcome.

Aug 5 - 11

Puppies are the most wonderful animals, until you have to take care of one. It is like a new born child, who sleeps all day but stays awake all night. That is where we are. Phoebe is just the cutest thing but after five hours of trying to entertain her, you wonder what you were thinking.  If you leave Phoebe alone and she knows you are in the house, she just howls for attention, and yes she is very, very cute, but after a while, she just isn’t. Then, it is time for us to go to bed, and ideally, we should have worn her out so she would sleep, but instead she wore us out, and now we aren’t allowed to sleep. And of course, we had agreed to watch my daughter’s dog this weekend and so we are trying to keep her entertained as well. I now know why people will pay $150 an hour for dog training.

By the way, new puppies are not allowed to walk on unknown surfaces until they are fully vaccinated, which takes several months, so I created a puppy transport service. Here is Phoebe in my new venture, oh and by the way, yes, Cooper is very jealous.