Sep 30 - Oct 6

So last week I reached an unlikely unavoidable milestone. I finally, after 4 and half years, tested positive for COVID.

Back in the beginning of the pandemic, I never got sick and never ran a temperature (this time I didn’t have a fever either), but I got all the strange symptoms that I had never even heard of before. Like COVID toes, that is where your toes turn purple and blow up until all the skin falls off. I got that twice. Rashes on cool days, and what felt like a urinary tract infection that lasted 14 months. Then there were the phantom smells. I never lost my sense of taste or smell, instead I got new tastes and smells. Most of the time all I could smell was apple pie.

This time, I felt like I had a mild cold or allergies, but on the fourth day of the symptoms I felt extremely tired and finally thought maybe it was something else. COVID, is so weird. Now that I am over it, I can’t sleep at night. Why, if you are tired, would you not be able to sleep? Personally, I don’t blame the Chinese, I think up in Heaven they just get bored sometimes and want to see how we will handle unusual circumstances. Don’t they realize that we are just not that bright?

By the way, I have in the past donated to both sides of the political aisle. Now I am getting close to 200 political emails a day as well as 30 to 40 texts a day.  In the future I would recommend you donate anonymously.

Sep 23 - 29

Ok, the bowls.

So my wife decided we should just lift up the couches to see if we had missed anything, since with Cooper around food could not be left close to the edge. OMG, it was like the discovery of the first T-Rex fossil. Bowls, wrappers, plates, silverware and preserved food. I mean, it really was preserved. I thought this would be an enjoyable moment. Oh, I was so wrong.  Cooper was very excited, though.

Sep 16 - 22

So I have this guy working on my deck fixing some dry rot. The deck is about 3 feet off the ground and he had this suggestion that I cover the openings to make it look more attractive. Suddenly I realized, maybe that is where all the missing bowls are. So I get my knee pads on and I go crawling under the deck.
Here is a list of what I found:

  • 1 Corn Can

  • 1 Soup Can

  • 2 Cherry Cans

  • 4 Pineapple Cans

  • 1 Mandarin Orange Can

  • 2 Empty Ice Cream Containers

  • Lots and Lots of Misc Wrappers

  • And, Lots of Silverware, but NO Bowls 

This kid has completely out smarted me.

Sep 9 - 15

Ok, I had this real great story about Phoebe, but as I went to write it, my mind went completely blank.

So I will write about missing bowls.
Ok, my son eats where ever he is. Anyways, as I went to get a bowl to have some cereal, I found none. We used to have 12 of this specific bowl, so where do I start looking?

I went outside to look by the AC unit and found some empty cans. I went in the garage and found empty boxes. So I started looking under the couches. Tucked way back under the living room couch I found 4 bowls, with food still in them. Really appetizing, but none of these bowls were the ones I was looking for. So I got a step stool and go looking on top of the shower, but to no avail.

Where could this kid be hiding my favorite bowls. The search goes on.

To be continued...