There is a mystery going on in my garden. I am a wannabe farmer and I have tried unsuccessfully to grow cantaloupes at least 10 times. Right now I have planted them in 3 different places in my yard to no avail. Well, a few months ago I installed a raised garden to grow raspberries. Soon after, I started noticing something growing in this raised bed. It soon became obvious these were cantaloupes. I didn’t plant them in that place, but yet they were growing much better than any place else. I soon became proud of my mystery cantaloupes and then just as I was about to pick them they were eaten. Each night one more would disappear. Ok, I didn’t plant these fruits and I didn’t eat these fruits, so who is messing with me? Just then I saw this rabbit run under the shed. I could see how he or she would have eaten my prize, but how with those little paws could this son of a gun plant the seeds?