Feb 10 - 16

There is a time in your life when you realize that there are just no brain cells left upstairs anymore. 

Since the children started walking I would hide things on the high shelf. Well, I haven’t been to rehab yet, but I have been fighting an abnormally strong craving for chocolate. Consequently, I hide my satisfying little chocolate bars in a box on the top shelf in the pantry. I have always wondered why they turn up missing.  I mean, who is going to bother to look that high? Dumb me. So while I am in there wondering what happened, my 6ft 6inch son walks in and literally looks down at my box.

Ok. You do not talk religion or politics when operating a business.  So one of my customers brought up what is going on in Washington, before he had a chance to get far in the conversation, the person with him starts to get upset. I mean he got really upset. After about a minute of listening to him before he calmed down, I realized I had no idea what side he was on. Interesting that both sides are so upset with the other side, you literally can not have an open conversation about it anymore.