Apr 13 - 19

Ok, so this constant singing and guitar playing and drum playing and the conversations about those 3 subjects, is catching up to me. I wish I could drink more but it does not seem to help. So, enough about me.  I think that everyone should start off their morning or any time they feel gloom, with asking Siri, or Alexa or your child or grandchild to play the song, “Safe and Sound” by Capital Cities. It has an uplifting beat and some good lyrics (except for one line), which fits right now. On the other hand, if you see someone not social distancing, then I have another song you should play to them. It is called “Shame” by Elle King. Play it loud like you mean it.

Well, things are progressing. Again I encourage you to download the ChowNow app, for any restaurant, because it makes it so easy. It is working well at Taylors, and we just got it working at Flapjacks. Hopefully, by the end of next week, we will have it at Country Waffles.

I am in a quandary. The government supposedly will give us money to pay our employees to stay open for business, however, they are offering the employees more to stay home. There appears to be some promising drugs on the horizon, but they are months away from being prescribed and I am terrified of being closed that long, so I am trying the take-out only route. This is all so fun. Remember, we learn from adversity.