May 4 - 10

Did you read that we in Sacramento County had the lowest coronavirus infection rate of any large metro area?  Whoo Hooo! Three months ago we had barely heard of this virus and now this news subject is 99% of everything. It is no time to go out partying yet. Maybe, Tuesday? Seriously, our social distancing has worked so far, and I for one don’t want to open too soon. However, I can’t wait to open, but things will be different for a while. We probably will only seat every third table, you will enter with a mask (hopefully you won’t try to rob us), and we may take your temperature at the door. We may only take reservations and then get your email when you call so that if there was another customer or employee, who was stricken, we could notify you. We will expand to tables outside where the virus doesn’t tend to travel effectively as far. It will be an experience, and years from now, we will have something to talk about.

People, I don’t know if I can take months more of my children.  When my son isn’t playing his guitars or his drums or his games, he talks. I want to look into the record for the Guinness Book of Records of the most words spoken in a month. Then again, the last thing I want to do is encourage him. Maybe I should tell him of the record of the least amount of words spoken in a month. Yes, that’s it. I will tell him if he could break that record, I will send him to London to claim the prize. I could find a really slow boat. Oh, there is hope, even in this time of crisis.