Aug 17 - 23

When it comes to intelligence, it seems my wife and I are at the bottom of the curve. For years we felt that having animals and especially rabbits were a good experience for the kids. Learning the responsibility of raising anything would be a good learning experience, right? Soon after we built this monstrosity of a bunny hutch, the kids lost complete interest. After many years, I gave up and let the bunnies out to fend for themselves, and threw out the hutch.

Now with the kids home so much we thought some animals would be good for them, and of course, since I threw the old bunny hutch away, I built an even bigger one. Two weeks later the kids have to be constantly reminded to go out and check on their bunnies. 

My wife and I are seriously thinking that if we just got a taxidermist, our problems might be solved once and for all.