Dec 27 - Jan 2

So we have 2 dogs, one new puppy and one old dog that sleep in our bedroom, both in pens on each side of us. We take them out throughout the night to do their business (it would be a lot easier if I could finalize that invention), and if they are finished by 5:00 AM then we let them sleep on the bed with us.  

Last night at 3:30 they seemed to think it was 5:00. We take them out separately and they just look at us and want to come back in. We put them back in their pens, and they both whine, so we take them out again and they give us the look so we let them in and put them back in their pens and they whine. We know you can’t break the rules in dog training, and my wife said we can’t break the rules. Finally about 4:30 I scream an expletive, get up and move the clock ahead to 5:00 and let them out. Now since the clock said 5:00, I feel we followed the rules. Please don’t bother telling me what you think.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and I hope you have a wonderful New Year. I know that last year we were looking forward to 2021 and this year we are nervous about 2022, but hang in there. We will persevere (I got that from an old Clint Eastwood movie), but please be careful.

Thank you for hanging in there with us.