Have you ever walked into a room and knew something was amiss?
Lately, I have been making stir fry at home for the wife and kids. I will go to Food Max and buy all the vegetables and chicken to fry up. My favorite ingredient to add flavor is pineapple chunks. So I bought 4 cans to make sure I wouldn’t run out.
Later on I walk into the pantry when my foot sticks to the floor, and I mean really sticks to the floor. I look over and there is one pull off lid hiding in the corner. Then I find 2 empty cans in the other corner under some flour. I never did find the other 2 cans. Obviously, both my kids denied ever doing such a thing.
So this is where I want to start a new business. It will be called “Rent a Nun to Find the Truth”. This woman in a black nun’s habit comes to your house with a yard stick. You sit the kid, or adult, at a short table and the nun starts asking questions. If she doesn’t hear what she wants she slams the yard stick down on the table. Each time getting closer and closer until the child or adult finally breaks down and tells the truth.
It's too bad I have a social worker wife, I think this idea could be a great start-up.