Apr 26 - May 2

The other day I had a conversation about an old movie with another movie buff. I was asking him about a song in this movie, the problem was I couldn’t remember the name of the song and couldn’t remember the name of the movie.

So I was saying remember that song in the movie we both liked? You know that movie about that crazy family. “Yours,“ he asks? No, this was about a famous family, and the movie was about 20 years old and it had a great cast. He asks “Who was in it?” You know that great actor from the 70’s and 80’s, and it was narrated by the actor from the submarine movie. Ok, he says, “What was it about?” Well, it was about a lot of things, but mainly about a crazy family. “You sure it wasn’t yours?” he asks again. No, anyway I am trying to find this song so I can look it up, but I can’t remember the name of the movie or the names of the cast members. Wait a minute, one of the characters was in another movie about a guy stuck in an airport. If I can remember that movie I can look it up on that database. Ok, do you remember the name of that movie or the database? “ Internet Movie Data Base” he says. Great, now what was the name of the second movie because if we can look that up we can find the actor and then find the other movie and then look up the song. “I have no idea what any of these movies are” he says. You don’t remember the great submarine movie with the great Scottish actor playing a Russian submarine captain. “Wait a minute” he says. “If he was Scottish, why was he in a Russian submarine”? Never mind, I frustratingly respond.

Oh, by the way, my wife found the last pineapple can, empty in my son’s room.