Oct 2 - 8

Ok, I have seen some weird things in my life time but this one my take the cake. 

So Cooper and I are walking down the street where we live. We live out in the country so we see things you may not see near the city. So as we are walking I hear migrating birds flying over. They are usually very high in the sky and it took a while for me to locate them. When I do see them, I can’t tell what kind of birds they were but they were about 100 of them flying South and flying in perfect formation, and I am guessing at least a 1000 feet up. 

So I tell Cooper, “ Look at those birds”.  He sits down on the road and looks up at them and starts barking at them. I mean he is barking at these birds up in the sky. Ok, the birds apparently hear him and stop flying south and now start flying in a big circle. The sound they made has now changed, I swear they are now trying to communicate with Cooper. After a  minute of them flying around they get in formation and start flying East, and after another minute they correct themselves and fly South again. I guess Cooper, must have some magical telepathic powers.