Ok so my wife and I are in our bedroom and cooper is going bonkers.
This usually means his ball is under the bed so we both get on our knees looking. No luck, so we start looking under the cabinets. Bingo, I see his ball and I reach in and throw it for him. He just gives me a look and starts barking again. So we both now are lying on the carpet looking for something. Well at the very back of the cabinet looks like another ball. So I get a close hanger and attempt to push it towards my wife.
As I push it over towards her it suddenly disappears. I ask my wife where it is and she has no idea. So now we are looking everywhere when suddenly my wife says “OMG, it’s a bird”.
”What”, I say?
We had left the door open so Cooper could go out on the deck. Anyway I managed to catch it and let it go.
Cooper gave me a look like what are you doing, that is my toy. Why did you let it go?