Do you ever think we had weak moments when we decided to have children or pets? The newborn baby is so cute, but as it is awake all night, you think, did I think of all of this?
Now the child reaches the terrible twos and again you question your decision-making.
Ok, now they are a teenager and know everything about everything, and you can't tell them anything. Again, do you question yourself?
Now you decide you want a puppy. After all, they are so cute. Like the baby, they are up all night, but at least the baby wears a diaper. Now the puppy has chewed off the leg of the kitchen table. Again, do you question your logic?
Now, you try and leave the puppy alone in a room and it howls for attention. Or like Phoebe, it sees its reflection in the glass door and screams because it thinks someone is trying to break in, so you open the door to show her there is no one there and she takes off out the door.
At this point, do you question your decision-making abilities? I don't even question my decisions, I know (oops, I can't put in print what I am really thinking) how lucky I am.