So tonight we celebrated our practice Thanksgiving and when everyone left, my wife and I and the kids and Cooper were all pretty tired so we went upstairs to call it a night and watch TV. I turn it on and there it is, Firehouse Dog. Cooper couldn’t have been any happier. However, my wife wasn’t so happy.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We will be closed on Thursday so that our staff can enjoy time with their loved ones.
Nov 14 - 20
Remember the days when I used to complain about empty pineapple cans everywhere, well, I miss those days. Things have evolved to where now everything is coming up missing. You will go look for something in the pantry (obviously, it has sugar as an ingredient) and it just isn’t there. I went looking for dried cranberries to make some stuffing the other night and just found an empty bag. Then I went looking for a granola bar for a snack and found a completely empty box. Last night I yelled at Cooper because he was eating something he shouldn’t have. Apparently someone had hidden a box of cookies under the couch and Cooper discovered them. I think I am just going to buy about 5 cases of pineapple and leave one can out a night. Life will just be so simple again.
Folks, business has been good and we seemed to have gotten our costs back in line, and that is in spite of the fact we stopped using road kill. Just kidding. I really don’t know how we got our food costs back in line because some food prices are still way out of reach. Anyway, from now until January 1st when we will have to give out raises we are going back to 10% discount to our email subscribers Monday thru Friday.
Thank you for sticking with us through some crazy times.
Nov 7 - 13
So I go upstairs to watch tv while my wife is still downstairs. I turn on the cable channels to find something I want to watch when I see a movie that Cooper would go nuts for. Now I know that Cooper does not like to see his 4 legged friends anywhere let alone tv, but I just had to do it, so I put on “ Hotel for Dogs”. There are scenes with dogs in cages and dogs running around the streets, and obviously they are all barking. Of course Cooper was very calm and just wanted to play with all his new friends. So I included a video of poor little Cooper just trying to catch and play with all those dogs.
Hey, did you know that Taylors is right in front of the train station in Loomis, and if you are standing at the register in the process of ordering when a train goes by, you get a free ice cream cone?
And no, you can not just sit there for 20 minutes pretending to order.
Oct 31 - Nov 6
As I get older I have been thinking of going into an easier line of work, something that doesn’t have all the stress of running 3 restaurants. So, I was watching an old Bob Newhart show when I saw the perfect profession…I will become a “suer”, someone who sues people. I just need an attorney who works on commission. I will be the guy that drives really slow and then when someone tail gates me I slam on the brakes. I run out and say “Did you see that deer cross the road?” Just then I fall over with neck pain. Like Bob Newhart’s friend I will settle out of court. Don’t worry I will never go after any of my customers, unless you were the one who left us 1 star on YELP.