Dec 19 - 25

Today after taking the kids to lunch I came home and turned on the tv to vegetate. This movie comes on that is almost over, but appears very intense. Ryan Reynolds is all beaten up and this detective is explaining to him how this mafia type criminal has eluded law enforcement for years. The setting is in a hospital where two people are on life support. What ever the detective tells him makes him get very intense. Meanwhile the music gets louder and more intense, now I am on the edge of my seat to see what he does. The detective goes away and Mr. Reynolds goes into the room and unplugs the 2 guys and then he takes out his gun and holds it. Meanwhile all these other detectives come and bang on the glass doors to try and get him to stop. Now I have no idea what is going on but I am glued and excited to see what this will all come to. Suddenly the TV goes black, and I am trying to figure if that is part of the scene or what. I look over and Cooper is sitting on the remote.

Anybody who can explain to me what happened before and what does happen gets a free breakfast.

Everyone have a nice Christmas. I will be traveling to Modesto to see my wonderful mother in law, Peggy, so I won’t be writing anything next week. I will be driving my electric car and hopefully will make it home on one charge. Have fun everybody.

Oh, 2 quick stories:

One of my favorite customers Dolores, gave me a Panettone. I have been saving it and when I went to open the box, funny, it was on the shelf in the pantry, where it has always been, but the box was empty.

I needed to shut off the water to the back yard because of the possible freeze. The valve is under a valve cover but when I opened it I forgot I needed a hand shovel to dig out the dirt. I looked around for one and the first thing I found which worked perfectly, was an empty pineapple can.

Dec 12 - 18

Caution there is foul language in this post. So be prepared…

Today my wife asked me to find her something on TV to watch while she was exercising. So I looked and found the 1970 film “Love Story” with Ryan O’Neal and Ali MacGraw. As we were watching I noticed cussing. I don’t remember cussing back then. Growing up we lived across the street from a Catholic school in Grass Valley, and we didn’t even know what cussing was. Well except from my parents, but it was all in Italian. I don’t know why there would be Italian cussing because I was a darling child.  Well, the Italian cuss words carry a lot more weight than ours because they have multiple syllables. 

Massgotzona. Pissteefero. Mayala Cana. Facci di merda.  Beescorro. Afanculo. 

Ok, maybe I am going a little too far and please don’t ask me to translate, but I think these are a little more powerful than a simple single syllable word. Oh, and the nuns across the street just assumed we were saying nice things.

So the other night we were watching a movie when a scene comes on with a little girl who picks up her stuffed animal. Yes, it was a dog and yes Cooper went nuts.

Folks we work with a Mandarin ranch in Loomis and we have been selling their Mandarins at TAYLORS.

This year I brought some down to FlapJacks. They are $17 for a 10 lb bag. Enjoy

Dec 5 - 11

Characters and events depicted in this blog are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Pierre needed a new phone and decided to run to the phone store to get one. His son asked if he could come along. Pierre’s son Freddie has developmental disabilities and sometime has a tough time controlling his emotions. He is also 6 foot 6 inches tall. So, Pierre asked Freddie if he would be fine just sitting there while this goes on. Freddie said “I will be perfect dad, please can I come along”. I reminded him that I had just gotten him a phone a few months ago because he had broken his. He said, that is right dad, I will be very quiet and very good. It takes about an hour to go through the whole procedure at the phone store and about 15 minutes in, Freddie decided he had to have a phone. At this juncture, I know it is the end of the world because I told him no, and I can’t believe how I should have known this would have happened. Of course everyone in the store knows what is going on, but the sales man used this distraction to sell me every possible option as well. In the end Pierre had to promise to order Freddie a new phone and after he got everyone home and he drank a few bottles of wine everything was just fine.

Nov 28 - Dec 4

Cooper needs serious therapy.

So I have told you how Cooper does not like to see dogs on the TV. The other day my daughter was watching a cartoon where there was a cartoon dog lying on the couch. The dog made no sounds just looked at the kid in the story. Cooper saw that and went nuts. I mean this dog has serious issues and I think that I need to find a dog shrink. I mean is he jealous of the other dogs? Or does he think these other dogs are a threat to his family. Or maybe Cooper is a spy and he is concerned these dogs will tell us the truth about his long lost past. You know maybe that is it, he has hidden his past and wants to keep it hidden. In any case he needs some real therapy and if any of you have any ideas, please pass those ideas along.

Folks, we need to raise the price of the Friday night dinners a couple of bucks. Apparently, a dog Shrink is a lot more then I thought.