Today after taking the kids to lunch I came home and turned on the tv to vegetate. This movie comes on that is almost over, but appears very intense. Ryan Reynolds is all beaten up and this detective is explaining to him how this mafia type criminal has eluded law enforcement for years. The setting is in a hospital where two people are on life support. What ever the detective tells him makes him get very intense. Meanwhile the music gets louder and more intense, now I am on the edge of my seat to see what he does. The detective goes away and Mr. Reynolds goes into the room and unplugs the 2 guys and then he takes out his gun and holds it. Meanwhile all these other detectives come and bang on the glass doors to try and get him to stop. Now I have no idea what is going on but I am glued and excited to see what this will all come to. Suddenly the TV goes black, and I am trying to figure if that is part of the scene or what. I look over and Cooper is sitting on the remote.
Anybody who can explain to me what happened before and what does happen gets a free breakfast.
Everyone have a nice Christmas. I will be traveling to Modesto to see my wonderful mother in law, Peggy, so I won’t be writing anything next week. I will be driving my electric car and hopefully will make it home on one charge. Have fun everybody.
Oh, 2 quick stories:
One of my favorite customers Dolores, gave me a Panettone. I have been saving it and when I went to open the box, funny, it was on the shelf in the pantry, where it has always been, but the box was empty.
I needed to shut off the water to the back yard because of the possible freeze. The valve is under a valve cover but when I opened it I forgot I needed a hand shovel to dig out the dirt. I looked around for one and the first thing I found which worked perfectly, was an empty pineapple can.