Jan 23 - 29

I have a bachelors degree from UC Davis in Genetics and my son is diagnosed as cognitive delayed, which is considered special needs. So why does he always out smart me about everything from pineapple cans to cookies to snacks to candy or just about anything else. When I need help with my phone I immediately go to him. Do you think maybe at Davis they were just being nice. 

I had something else to write but now I have no idea what it was.

Jan 16 - 22

I have a model for a new business enterprise. Lately, I have had an earwax build up in my ears like it seems to happen every winter. So to help it I got that oil that you drop in your ear to help break it up. Well, it doesn’t seem to ever break it up. So the other night I put a couple of the ear drops in and went and to lie on the bed when Cooper comes over and starts licking my ear. At first I thought this is kind of gross but after a minute I realized it was starting to work. He was very persistent and finally seemed to have cleared the entire ear canal. So why not open a business called,Cooper Earwax Elimination Service. We will just set up at one of the back booths in the restaurant.

Jan 9 - 14

Puppy Flatulation

This is a subject we wish we never have to speak of and is a subject that we really hope goes away.

So, the other night my wife and I were lying in bed watching TV, when Kim says “Do you smell that”? I didn’t smell anything at first and thought maybe she was commenting on the fireplace. Then the fragrance hit me and I was sure the pooches had done their business in our bedroom. So, we both get up and start searching but find nothing. We get back in bed and there it is again. This time we look under the bed, behind the door, and everywhere else we could imagine to no avail. We get back in bed again and after a couple of minutes the smell comes back. That is when we both realized what was going on. Cooper was silently passing gas. If only we had COVID and couldn’t smell.

I want to apologize for Flapjacks being closed last Sunday. We got there at 7 and had no power, and when I called SMUD they said we would have power by 7:00 AM so we all just hung around. I called back in 20 minutes and it said 7:00 AM again. Ok, we all wait around in the cold and then I call at 7:40 and they say 7:00 again. We all wait around some more and finally at 8:15 I call and SMUD says we won’t get power on until noon. So I send everyone home, because we wouldn’t be able to open until 12:45. By the time I got to Sunrise Country Waffles at 9:00 they had turned on the power.