Feb 27 - Mar 5

Cooper likes smelly things and my son usually wears the same pair of socks until they smell  so atrocious that when we walk by his bedroom we gag. We of course plead with him to change those socks and please do his laundry. So this morning was Saturday morning and it is the only day I don’t get up early to go to work. My wife and I are both very busy and so Saturday morning is where we will catch up with each other. So we are both in bed facing each other and having a nice conversation, when all of a sudden Cooper jumps on the bed and drops the smelliest sock on earth right on my nose and only a few inches from my wife’s. We both thought some creature had died a week ago in this sock it smelled so bad. We of course scream and jump out of bed. We both look over at Cooper and I swear he was just smiling.

Folks, it is time for us to raise prices but I don’t want to. The problem is we are unsure when and if Eggs (yes they are so expensive you now capitalize the E) will ever come down in price. So in the mean time we are going to temporarily stop giving the email discounts but stick with the same menus we have been using. I just don’t know what the future will bring but I hate over charging. I know, sometimes I wish I was the slimy bastard I use to be, but what are you going to do.

Feb 13 - 19

So, we live in the country and we seemed to have acquired a coyote as a pet. I assume since he eats our chickens he would be considered our pet. Anyway, we have to be careful when we let Cooper out and so I usually keep him on a leash. Well, today I was going to work in the back and I thought it would be nice if I could let cooper run free. I would of course keep an eye on him. After all, Cooper believes he is farm dog. So I ask my wife and she just looks at me and says “if Cooper doesn’t come back, don’t bother coming back yourself”. I said, “ok”, and took him outside without a leash. The boy walks perfectly by my side and I am thinking he is finally trained. Then he sees the chickens and the next thing I know he is 100 yards away. As he is running, he looks back at me as if to say, Sucker! It was at that time that I wished I had at least put a sleeping bag in the goat barn.

My wife went to Costco last week and bought a case of her favorite soup. It is the creamy tomato soup that she loves. She went to get a box to heat up when she finds the entire case empty. I guess I shouls just keep a lot of cans of pineapple so everything else is spared.

Feb 6 - 12

So it appears I am a lazy parent. Well, lazy in the fact that I cannot stand to hear my son ask too many times for things before I give in. After about 30 requests for an item I will usually give in. The boy is a collector and usually buys things with his own money, and these are all requests for items on Amazon. So today I decided I would go around and count all his possessions. I was going to do this on an Excel spreadsheet but I will try and make do without Excel.

Bluetooth Speakers - 15

Head Phones (of one kind or another) - 10

iPhones and Android Phones​​ - 7

Phone Cases ​​​​- 9

Laptops and Chromebooks​​ - 6

Guitars and Banjos​​​ - 8

Broken Guitars​​​​ - 2

Flute and Piccolo​​​ - 2

Hey look at this

Drum Set​​​ - Only 1

See I am not so lazy after all.

Jan 30 - Feb 5

Why is it when Cooper gets mad at me (I can’t imagine why anyone or anything could get mad at me), he turns his head sideways to bark at me. And his eye facing me just wants to let me know he is really mad. I guess I should stop taking his toys away.

The other thing is every now and then my wife and I will cuddle in bed. Cooper doesn’t know what to do with that so he jumps up on the bed and lies down on both of us and just stares at us. 

OK, did you ever see the movie where the dog remembers his past lives? I sometimes think Cooper does as well, because he has personality traits that are older than he is.