Mar 27 - Apr 2

Raising special needs kids is hard.

Like when they have to have something they can't have. Such as another new pet, or a purple dyed haircut in the next 2 hours. When kids in the autistic spectrum are told no, there are consequences. Those consequences, are equivalent to all those disaster movies that have come out lately. Again, raising kids with disabilities is hard. As they get older it gets harder, and if my wife and I drank more (or drank at all), it might be easier. I guess, at least, there (alcohol) is something to dream for.

Mar 20-26

Outside our bedroom is a deck with a concrete surface that we use to let the dogs do their business. I had this umbrella up there but in one of the storms it got to windy and we had to take it down and laid it down on the side of the deck. Well Cooper thought that that was his spot to do all his business. After a while the umbrella was getting pretty ugly and quite smelly so I decided to throw it away. So that night I let him out to go, and he looks at where the umbrella use to be and just sits there and stares at me. He doesn’t do anything. Three minutes he just sits there. Finally I let him in and an hour later I take him out again.  He just sits there again. This went on for 3 days. I am assuming he learned to use the toilet in between.

Mar 13 - 19

Ok, so on the eve of the Oscars, I have something I would like to announce. Mind you, I have worked for this my whole life, but I am about to enter the Busboy Hall of Fame. That’s right. To do this you need to bus one million tables and I am currently at 999, 915 bussed tables. See, I started bussing in 1969 when my father opened Tofanelli’s, an Italian restaurant, and I have been bussing ever since. Within a few months I will have achieved my goal and then I don’t know. What do you do when you have accomplished everything you hoped to do in your life. Well, who knows, I may try and convince Jennifer to take over FlapJacks. Who knows?

Mar 6-12

Ok, so when you have special needs kids, you realize that your children always want a new pet. I believe we have had everything imaginable. Started with goats, dogs, mini horses, then there were the hamsters, then there the big lizards. Those lizards required me to raise crickets to feed them. Then the tortoise, not a turtle mind you, a tortoise. Then there was a turtle. In between we had fish many times. We have had numerous (I don’t know what class they were in) reptile like creatures. Many of these poor things would only last a few days or probably escape in the house. Oh, I forgot the time my daughter brought in 4 baby field mice from outside and misplaced them. Through this time we had numerous ant colonies. Oh, and goats again and of course Cooper. So now we have these hermit crabs, the only creature that wears clothes of any kind. Why didn’t I just buy a pet store?

Oh, by the way I tried to have Open AI ( Artificial Intelligence) write a story for me. Unfortunately, you have to have some form of intelligence to know how to use it.

One more thing, that sock from last week seems to keep reappearing and disappearing.