Ok, so I went to a wonderful wedding yesterday and apparently danced all my brain cells away, so I have nothing to write.
I am going to Amazon as we speak and trying to get fresh implanted AI brain cells so I will be ready next week.
Ok, so I went to a wonderful wedding yesterday and apparently danced all my brain cells away, so I have nothing to write.
I am going to Amazon as we speak and trying to get fresh implanted AI brain cells so I will be ready next week.
Our house is not what you would think a normal house would be like. While I am sitting at my desk in the family room, Cooper will sometimes sit and growl elsewhere. After a while I will go to see what’s up and usually it is his toy is stuck in a place he can’t get to.
Well, last night he sat there and just whimpered at the couch. I thought it odd but I went over and didn’t see anything on top so looked underneath. I like those 5 pound big blocks of cheese, well apparently a big chunk of the block was under the couch. Actually, 3 big chunks, however, one was no longer orange.
I am assuming Cooper expected me to give him his find, which I did not. So he gave me the look as if to say “Hey, I found these for you, so you can give me at least one chunk.”
Have you ever had one of those moments when you wish a meteorite or something else out of the sky suddenly hits you so you don’t have to face the consequences of doing something utterly stupid?
Well, My kids wanted to go to Starbucks and I said ok. Owning 2 coffee shops I never go to Starbucks and also don’t know the procedure there. It also doesn’t help that people constantly confuse Frank with Craig, never Greg. So, we go into this place that is the size of Country Waffles and is packed. I told the kids to go sit at a table while I order. I order 3 large coffees and some cream. Again not hearing Frank being called made it more confusing but after about 10 minutes, Craig’s order is called. So, I have 3 drinks to carry and a side of cream. Me being in the restaurant business I declined the drink carrier.
Now understand that special needs kids or adults can not control their emotions, so when I come to the table and inadvertently spill the large coffee all over the table and the 2 of them, I had hoped for mercy. Well, mercy didn’t happen. The two of them were embarrassed and therefore took it out on me, in front of everybody, which I totally deserved. So, here I am being yelled at in front of a lot of people with a huge mess to clean up and no place to hide and not a meteorite in sight.
When someone tells a lie but they think it is the truth, is it a lie?
I went in the pantry to find the floor sticky as fly paper. Of course there were 2 empty cans of pineapple on the shelf nicely placed. So I asked my son if he ate the pineapple.
“No dad, someone broke in last night and ate them”.
Well it was nice of them to leave the empty cans so nicely placed.
“Oh, I am the one to put them away in place dad, I wanted things to look nice.”
Thank you, you’re a nice boy.
On another note…
Do you know the main problem of driving a fully electric car? Since you never stop for gas you never clean your windows.