Mar 17 - 23

Ok, so I take the dogs for a walk several times a day, and with them being so rambunctious, I can see why some  people can get hurt walking their dogs. So I  have invented the Frank Dog Walking Jacket.              

This jacket has up to 3 attachments that resemble Hula Hoops. One of these circular attaché’s (yes I used the wrong attaché but it fits so well) has a diameter of 4 feet. The dog’s collar is attached to this so you don’t hold a leash. It can just run around wherever it wants. Now the second dog (if there is one) is on a 7 foot diameter attaché, so it has space from the other dog so they can both run whichever way they want. Now to prevent you from falling there is a 2 foot attaché around you for safety. If you have 3 dogs, you can get a 10 foot attaché.

Now if you want to place your order in the next 3 days, I will throw in a complimentary egg.

How can you beat that?

Mar 3 - 9

So Thursdays and Saturdays are the 2 days I get to sleep in. All the other days, I have to be on the road by 6:30 AM to beat the traffic on the drive from Loomis to FlapJacks. So Thursday, I wake up to use the restroom a little after 4 AM. Cooper sleeps on our bed, and when I got back in bed, I must have woken him up because I heard him jump off the bed and go somewhere. I knew it was not good, but I was too tired to care. About 5 minutes later, my wife gets up. She walks into the bathroom, and I hear, 'COOPER!' What were you thinking that you did #1 and #2 on the floor? Now, of course, we are wide awake, but my wife cleans up the mess and goes back to bed. We are now all back in bed when Phoebe starts growling that she now wants out. Ok, so now I have to let her out, and by the time we are done, it is after 5:00, and now, of course, everyone is wide awake and wants to play. Ugh.

Feb 24 - Mar 2

Ok, so I have decided that since I am officially old, I no longer need to wear matching socks, mainly because I no longer have any matching socks.

In my heyday I was the sock matching king, but now with Pheobe eating all the socks, those heydays are gone. The funny thing is that she only eats one of the matching socks. If she ate both, it would be a lot easier, but it is like “I don’t want to chew socks that are a match, because the second sock, would be old news. I want to chew a new sock each time.”

Consequently, I have no matching socks, and my dreams of going to the sock matching hall of fame are over. I guess I need to go back to bussing tables, I think I still have a chance of reaching the bussers hall of fame.