Apr 1 - 7

Every year at this time, we take the kids down to Santa Cruz and then to the Boardwalk. The problem is, we are now in our seventies and it has become much harder, and with a son with special needs we find ourselves doing the same thing we have been doing for the last 20 years.  By the way the Boardwalk has gotten much more expensive and the wait for the rides has gotten much longer. My son only rides certain rides and the plan is to offer him a special treat of being able to buy anything at the store there if we can get out of there sooner. This form of bribery has worked in the past but unfortunately the kid has gotten smarter and knows the system and we now have to pretty much give him the world. This is ok, my wife and I have saved just for these kind of emergencies, so If we can get out of there, we gladly would give up our retirement savings just to get home so we can sit on the couch and watch tv.

Mar 25 - 31

When a dog marks something, is he telling everyone and everything this is his territory, or is he just saying this is my property, don’t mess with it?

So the other day I took Cooper out for a walk down the neighborhood. On the way back I ran into my neighbor and so we talked for a while so I picked Cooper up. About 10 minutes in, he says to me “Did you see that?”. I asked back, “See what?”. He said look down at your pants.    

So, I guess I am Cooper’s property and I wasn’t supposed to talk that long.

Mar 18 - 24

Ok, so my social worker wife is too nice. I have complained that she is too responsible, but she is definitely way too nice. We are both 70 now and we are beginning to feel old. So, at about 7:00pm we are getting ready to get in bed and start watching TV. So what does she do, she signs the darling children up for Taekwondo at night. Did I say darling children? Anyway their class starts at 7:00 at night. Let me repeat that, 7:00 at night. That means we don’t get home until 8:30. If you want to see a grown man cry, be at our front door when we get home. And of course the kids are all fired up and can’t stop talking about how they are going to conquer the world, and all I want to do is watch “Suits”.
By the way, my wife complained that she couldn’t get out of bed, the other morning, so I took this video. Yes, Cooper is involved.

Mar 11 - 17

Ok, so I keep mentioning Cooper, but he really is an unusual animal. I have said that he doesn’t like dogs on tv. He has never told me why, but he apparently has memorized the commercials. The other day we were in the dining room with the tv on in the living room. He heard a commercial come on and went running over into the living room and started barking at the tv. He knew the commercial by the sound before a dog was even in it. Then this morning he brought me his stuffed dog, so I can throw it for him. I threw it too high, so he jumped up and caught it over his head with his paws, with his PAWS. He looked just like a wide receiver. I sometimes think this dog is a reincarnation of a human. A human that didn’t like dogs on tv.