Sep 23 - 29

Ok, the bowls.

So my wife decided we should just lift up the couches to see if we had missed anything, since with Cooper around food could not be left close to the edge. OMG, it was like the discovery of the first T-Rex fossil. Bowls, wrappers, plates, silverware and preserved food. I mean, it really was preserved. I thought this would be an enjoyable moment. Oh, I was so wrong.  Cooper was very excited, though.

Sep 16 - 22

So I have this guy working on my deck fixing some dry rot. The deck is about 3 feet off the ground and he had this suggestion that I cover the openings to make it look more attractive. Suddenly I realized, maybe that is where all the missing bowls are. So I get my knee pads on and I go crawling under the deck.
Here is a list of what I found:

  • 1 Corn Can

  • 1 Soup Can

  • 2 Cherry Cans

  • 4 Pineapple Cans

  • 1 Mandarin Orange Can

  • 2 Empty Ice Cream Containers

  • Lots and Lots of Misc Wrappers

  • And, Lots of Silverware, but NO Bowls 

This kid has completely out smarted me.

Sep 9 - 15

Ok, I had this real great story about Phoebe, but as I went to write it, my mind went completely blank.

So I will write about missing bowls.
Ok, my son eats where ever he is. Anyways, as I went to get a bowl to have some cereal, I found none. We used to have 12 of this specific bowl, so where do I start looking?

I went outside to look by the AC unit and found some empty cans. I went in the garage and found empty boxes. So I started looking under the couches. Tucked way back under the living room couch I found 4 bowls, with food still in them. Really appetizing, but none of these bowls were the ones I was looking for. So I got a step stool and go looking on top of the shower, but to no avail.

Where could this kid be hiding my favorite bowls. The search goes on.

To be continued...

Sep 2 - 8

So, I had this dream last night that Cooper wrote me this letter. Apparently, he believes that Phoebe is getting all the attention. He commented that I haven’t written about him in the emails since we got Phoebe. He also thinks that Phoebe is very annoying, she wants to play with him constantly and now that he is mature, he thinks that is completely out of line. So he wants to remind me about the hierarchy, and he should be on top, and Phoebe should be relegated to a much lower position of recognition. "Ok", I said, I would take his views under consideration.

So then, Phoebe gets jealous and wants to voice her opinion. First off she wants to point out that female dogs have never gotten the recognition of male dogs, and she thought that I was being discriminatory. Second, she doesn’t understand why we don’t have the energy to play 24/7 and she thinks I should purchase Red Bulls for everybody. Ok, I apologized if I gave her the wrong impression and I would take this all under consideration and also I would consider the Red Bull thing.

Then my wife chimes in. What the hell was I thinking of when I decided to get a puppy. I miss my sleep so much and I think this is all your fault because you should have talked me out of this.  Yes, you are absolutely correct. This is all my fault and you should take no responsibility. I apologize for not reading your mind correctly and I promise this will never happen again.

Just then a very foul odor wakes me up out of a very deep sleep, and I say “please not again”. I look at the clock and it is 2:15 AM.

My wife just says 2 words.

"Your turn."