I was going to use the Coronavirus excuse to get out of going to a kids birthday party, but my wife said that was unethical. Darn, I never should have married an ethical woman.
When you raise special needs kids you go through childhood endlessly. So, our kids got some “ant farm” presents again. This whole scenario sounded familiar, so I looked through the archives and this is a story I wrote about “ant farm” presents 6 years ago. So this is a redo.
“I am not sure who bought them, but one of the presents my children each got for Christmas was an ant farm. We of course had to order the ants and they just came yesterday. These are those large fire red intimidating ants that look like they could eat you if they got a chance. After dinner my wife yells to me to hurry upstairs. I get there to see these red ants quickly scurrying in all directions on the carpet. My wife is screaming for me to catch them, my daughter is screaming to not harm them and me just trying to head them off before they get to my side of the bed. It turns out they are easy to catch because they attack any living thing and so if you put your finger down they immediately latch on. The trick was trying to get them off.”