Feb 15 - 21

Teenagers are such wonderful creatures. My daughter will be so kind and loving. I mean it literally will melt your heart. She will say, “I love you dad”, and then she will ask how my day went. Then she will say, “Dad, can we go to Taylors and get an ice cream?" in the sweetest and kindness voice. All the way there she will just be so sweet.

As soon as she is served her ice cream cone or shake she becomes a TEENAGER. She now says, “Don’t talk to me, can’t you see I am on the phone." "Are you looking at me, because if you are, stop."

Teenagers are such wonderful creatures. The word creature fits better now, doesn’t it?

My wife and I got our second vaccine shot on Monday. She had no effects at all and I had a mild fever the day after. Overall, it was well worth it.