Feb 22 - 28

Ok, what do I write about?

Do I write about some employees at Taylors tested positive and so we had to close for a while?

Or do I write about the fact that since we were closed I might as well fix the 50 year old pipes underneath the floor at Taylors and so 40 linear feet of flooring are jack hammered up?

Do I write about the fact that I found 2 empty cans of pineapple in the pantry at home, or 4 pieces of popcorn left in the bag? I think it was nice that they didn’t eat all the popcorn but I really wanted some pineapple.

No, I am going to write about the fact that my wife went to get some bowls from the cupboard and they were all gone. What do my children do with bowls when they apparently eat the pineapple right out of the can and popcorn right out of the bag?