Oct 10 - 16

My wife usually edits my emails to catch my misspells, but I didn’t want her to read this for reasons you will understand so I apologize for any errors, and oddly enough she doesn’t like large insects anywhere.

Ok, so my daughter came into the house very proud and excited because she found one of those large (about 3 inches long) tomato worms. My wife took her to pick up a friend, and so my daughter put the worm in a plastic container full of slices of tomatoes, to keep the worm safe. They come home an hour later and the worm is gone, and I mean the worm is gone. We looked everywhere with no luck. My daughter is upset and she knows she can’t let her mother know as well. Meanwhile my son looks up on Google and finds out that these caterpillars can walk up to a mile per hour, which means this little guy could be anywhere in the house, anywhere. So I have suggested to my wife that she should go see that friend in Ireland she has been wanting see right away.