Remember a few years ago when I wrote about FlapJacks in space and offering a discount to aliens (by the way, technically, these would be considered illegal aliens). I have included on the bottom of this page. Well now, new reports are showing numerous unidentified phenomena. One investigation from Malmstrom Air Force Base detailed an incident where a glowing red orb rendered 10 nuclear ICBMs inoperable. So, obviously they are here, and I am sure they are walking among us, so we need to get them on our side, to make all of Russia’s ICBMs inoperable. So, again, I want to offer free flapjacks, waffles, burgers and shakes to any alien who can help us by making the Russians weapons inoperable.
The Old Story
Flapjacks in Space
Now it is projected that there are 10,000,000,000 (10 billion) inhabitable planets in the Universe. Inhabitable, means they can support intelligent life (not that we have any here). Almost all scientists believe with this number of planets out there that there has to be intelligent life, the trouble is trying to locate it. So let's say there is just a million planets out there with intelligent life. Those aliens have to eat, so I believe there is a reasonable chance there is a FlapJacks or even a Country Waffles out there, somewhere. So I have spoken of my secret society that tries to communicate with aliens and so my plan is to continue to try and communicate with these aliens and try and get their business. I have to apologize to all of you, because my ad to them won’t be buy one get one free, it will be buy anything and get one free. After all if they are coming all that way, they deserve a little more. My problem of course is time, since it may take several billion years to reach them, but what the hell.