My daughter got a pet cat today. She works at the Roseville SPCA and she found a rescue cat. So of course, my son now has to have a new pet.
We have had it all since we moved up here in the foothills. We have had fish, big ugly lizards, (we had to raise crickets for those lizards), turtles, those big rat like things, rats, chickens, ducks, goats (twice), rabbits (twice), mini horses and not to mention all the predators we have encountered (bob cats, raccoons, coyotes, rattle snakes, and river otters) along the way. We currently only have 2 dogs and a parakeet.
Well now I am afraid we may have to start all over again. For the last 8 hours all he has talked about is what new pet he is going to get. He started with exotic lizards, then rats again, then fish, then back to rats. And do you know what, I just don’t drink enough.
Feb 5 - 11
So, as I have said before, ours is not a normal house. The other morning, my wife asked me to find the older dog so she could let her out. Bailey, as I have said, has dementia. I am looking everywhere when I find her in the downstairs bathroom. Mind you I had used this room earlier and had found nothing, of course I wasn’t looking. I look down and she has this monstrous piece of cheese in her mouth. This is a block about 4 inches by 4 inches and about an inch and half thick. She thinks she has struck the jack pot. Understand she is very small so her jaw is open as wide as it can and she has her teeth deep into it. Now I am trying to pull this block of cheddar from her mouth but she doesn’t want to give this up. In her mind she has died and gone to heaven and who am I to try and take it away. I finally get it loose and she is so mad at me, but then she gets really sad and all I am thinking is how do I get back at my son.
Jan 29 - Feb 4
OK, I had nothing to write tonight so I went back over 10 years and found this story I wrote when the kids were still darlings. I wish I could say that now.
We appear to have a dilemma at our house. It seems that Hermie, my youngest daughter's pet, got out of his enclosure and is loose in the house. My youngest of course is very distraught. My older daughter is afraid Hermie will crawl into her bed so she does not think she can sleep until Hermie is captured. My wife is afraid she will step on him in the middle of the night.
I have looked everywhere a five inch green caterpillar could be hiding, but to no avail. We have tried to train the dog to sniff Hermie out, but she has just found the snacks the darling children have hidden around the house. I just cannot imagine why any creature would want to escape our wonderful home.
Jan 22 - 28
Has anyone used Babbel? It is a language app that will teach you any language. Let me explain. So besides Cooper we have a 16 year old dog that has very advanced dementia. Consequently, she doesn’t know where she should do her business, and so she does that business anywhere she is at the time she has the urge. Ok, fine, but now Cooper thinks he can also do his business inside. The other night I took him out a 7PM and he just sat there and looked at me for 3 minutes. I gave up and then took him out at 9PM. Again, he just sat there and stared at me, and after 5 minutes I let him in. When we went to bed I put him in his cage and then let him out at 5AM. Again, he just sat there and stared at me, as if to say. “Hey everyone else gets to go inside why are you making me go outside?”. So I thought if I could learn the language of Dog, then I could explain it to him. What do you think?
I wanted to give you an update on our missing friend, she is home safe.
She was found shortly after we sent out our original email but we still do not know the full details regarding the cause of the disappearance. Sorry of leave our devoted readers in the dark, it was a whirlwind of emotions.