May 6 - 12

Ok, so I am sitting on the sofa watching TV, when I see my son (who never goes outside), running on the side of the yard. The running looked very suspicious. So, I look out the window and I don’t see anything unusual.

On this side of the house the neighbor has a large pond that comes up right to our fence. The neighbor raises all kinds of fish in his pond and he is very protective of them, very protective.

I go out back and go around to the fence where he ran from to see if I can find the evidence. There in the pond is a floating empty can. I can’t really tell what kind of fruit it was but my suspicions lead me to believe it is pineapple. 

Ok, so I am trying to figure out how to get this can out, before it floats out too far out of reach when I remember I have a large pool net for my pond. I go get the net and I am reaching over the fence as far as I can reach when who just happens to step into his own backyard?

Apr 29 - May 5

I have nothing this week as a story for you all, sorry. 

But, I did want to thank our Friday FlapJacks Crew for all the wonderful dinners they served. Starting during the pandemic they worked hard to give folks another option for a good and safe meal and continued as guests kept requesting delicious dinners.

This last dinner had over 90 pre-orders while they ended up serving even more. 


Apr 22 - 28

Ok so my wife and I are in our bedroom and cooper is going bonkers.

This usually means his ball is under the bed so we both get on our knees looking. No luck, so we start looking under the cabinets. Bingo, I see his ball and I reach in and throw it for him. He just gives me a look and starts barking again. So we both now are lying on the carpet looking for something. Well at the very back of the cabinet looks like another ball. So I get a close hanger and attempt to push it towards my wife.

As I push it over towards her it suddenly disappears. I ask my wife where it is and she has no idea. So now we are looking everywhere when suddenly my wife says “OMG, it’s a bird”.
”What”, I say? 

We had left the door open so Cooper could go out on the deck. Anyway I managed to catch it and let it go.
Cooper gave me a look like what are you doing, that is my toy. Why did you let it go?

Apr 15 - 21

Ok, so if you look up the purpose of the Fire Dept, you will see it’s motto is to protect lives, property and the environment. It does not stipulate human life, just lives. So when I call the Fire Dept to come get a cat out of a tree in front of the restaurant, I expect them to put their motto first.

On Tuesday at the Sunrise Country Waffles, a special needs adult approached me in distress. Apparently her cat got off his leash and got frightened and ran up the tree next to Sunrise Blvd. She was very upset and so I went out there to see what I could do. Well, the cat was about 25 feet up and I had no idea what to do, but I remembered an episode of Andy Griffith and how he was summoned to get the cat down. So I called the Fire Dept. I am probably not to high on their list of favorite businesses any longer. Any way they came out but I expected a big ladder truck, and they just came out with the regular truck. Well, they analyzed the situation and said, “don’t worry, the cat will come down on its own”.

Well that was no fun.

And yes they were right.