So every night my wife and I try and take the dogs out to do their business around 6 pm and then again at 9 pm, before we go to bed. Now most of the time it is a struggle to get them to do anything. I try all types of things even singing them potty songs in hopes that they will complete their mission. When they finally go, I feel like I have accomplished a miracle. So the other night after about 5 minutes they both went at the 6 o’clock time. Then at 8:30, we took them out again. This time my singing proved to be fruitless. So at 9:00 we went out again, and after 10 minutes, I gave up because they just sat there and stared at me. So I let them in and put them to bed, but I was very nervous because we let Cooper sleep on our bed with us. We apparently made it to 5 am and I took them out and after some time they did their business. So I started thinking that Cooper went 11 hours without an accident, and I am oh so envious.
Dec 16 - 22
The conspiracy theory about fire hydrants.
What is a fire hydrant's primary purpose? You would think it was to put out fires, when in fact it is very rare that a fire hydrant is ever used for water. So, what are they most used for? Yes, a place for our dogs to relieve themselves.
When fire hydrants were first installed they had a sweet smell to them (probably from the paint), which attracted dogs, and therefore they would want to mark their spot there. However, there is a group of us that believe that the firemen didn't appreciate the hydrants' notoriety, and so, they repainted all the fire hydrants (obviously at night), to distract all dogs from living their dream. I think this is very sad. Unless we do something, this is a tradition that will soon be forgotten.
So I am trying to recruit a force to go out and repaint all the hydrants in their original sweet-smelling red paint (obviously at night). What do you say? Are you in?
I will leave signup sheets by the register.
Dec 9 - 15
In the Winter, there is nothing more wonderful then getting in your cozy warm bed.
About 5:30 most mornings I feed the dogs and then take them out for a walk to do their business. On Saturdays, I get to get back in bed after I walk them.
So I get all snuggled in bed when Phoebe jumps on the bed and immediately goes under the blankets. I don’t think much of it until the COLD WET NOSE rubs up against my leg.
In my lifetime I have been in a motorcycle accident and once had an emergency appendectomy. In neither case did I scream as loud as I did Saturday morning..
Dec 2 - 8
A tootsie roll story. I did not make this up.
So, a few days before Thanksgiving I was walking the dogs when one of them of course had to do their business. Fortunately, I had a paper towel in my pocket, so I picked up what looked like a tootsie roll and wrapped it in the paper towel. I didn’t want to walk a long way with my new treasure so I hid deep in a large bush in my front yard, where no one could ever see it.
Ok, so on Thanksgiving I am walking the dogs when I come to the end of my driveway and there it is. The paper towel is rolled out flat on the driveway with the tootsie roll like object placed right on the middle of towel. I wondered if I woke a raccoon and this was his way at getting back at me, but then it came to me. It was probably the hamster.