Feb 3 - 9

My son said to me last night. “Dad I had to throw away my sister's ice cream bar”.

I asked why? 

He said, "well it was melting and I knew it had to be thrown away."

"Why didn’t you put it in the freezer?"

"Well I did dad, but it was still melting."

"Well, if you put it in the freezer it would get hard."

"I know dad, but it didn’t, so I had to throw it away."

"Which garbage can did you throw it into?"

"Oh, dad, you will never find it because I put in the bottom of the can outside."

"Did it taste good?"

"Yea dad, it was real good."

Jan 27 - Feb 2

Guidelines for dog poop extraction.

I think it is time for us to set up guidelines for the pick up of our pooches excrement.

First off, if it takes you more than 5 seconds to find it, then you are probably ok to leave it.

If the business is less than 2 centimeters in length( ¾ of an inch), you are probably ok. However if there are multiple of these small objects, then, yes, you are required to bag it.

If your dogs stool blends in with the environment, like say thick brown leaves, then again, you are probably ok, as well.

However, it is always important to see if anybody is watching you, because, if they are, then it is extremely important even if you can’t find it, to appear like you are picking it up.

Any questions?


Ok, folks, my wife and I have been working on this for 8 years. We are looking for roommates for our 2 special needs adults. We have 2 homes in Orangevale a block apart from each other that we purchased. We are looking for 3 male roommates to live with our 25 year old son, and 2 female roommates for our 23 year old daughter. These roommates would need to be Alta Regional clients so they would have access to SLS (supportive living service) or ILS (independent living service) or be totally selfsufficient. 

We are asking $750 a month in rent plus gas/electric. We would include internet and tv service as well as pool service (the one house has a pool). Both houses have an ADU on the properties, so there is someone there some of the time in case of an emergency. Also, the best part is across the street is the Redeemer Church, where Greater Sacramento Capernaum (Young Life) and Infinite Friends operate. They currently provide educational and social activities for the IDD population with plans to expand. 

Our goal is to build a community for these young adults. If you are interested or know someone who is please email us at Kimbrownkimbrown@yahoo.com

Thank you.

Jan 13 - 19

Being normal is not something my wife and I are used to. Raising special needs kids, and now that they are adults, you learn to adapt, but things are not what you would see in a normal household. When you add Cooper and Phoebe (the 2 crazy dogs) to the mix, it doesn’t get any more normal. In other words, our house is complete “chaos”.

So to remedy this living arrangement, every few months, my wife and I get away. The other night we rented a little cottage up in Nevada City to hopefully see normality. We go for a walk, we go out for lunch and dinner and we watched some TV. Just before we go to bed, my wife looks at me and says, this is not our normal. I need normality. So, first thing this morning we got up early and packed up and came right home.

Of course once we get home we both wondered, why did we come back?

Jan 6 - 12

Do you ever think we had weak moments when we decided to have children or pets? The newborn baby is so cute, but as it is awake all night, you think, did I think of all of this?

Now the child reaches the terrible twos and again you question your decision-making.

Ok, now they are a teenager and know everything about everything, and you can't tell them anything. Again, do you question yourself?

Now you decide you want a puppy. After all, they are so cute. Like the baby, they are up all night, but at least the baby wears a diaper. Now the puppy has chewed off the leg of the kitchen table. Again, do you question your logic?

Now, you try and leave the puppy alone in a room and it howls for attention. Or like Phoebe, it sees its reflection in the glass door and screams because it thinks someone is trying to break in, so you open the door to show her there is no one there and she takes off out the door.

At this point, do you question your decision-making abilities? I don't even question my decisions, I know (oops, I can't put in print what I am really thinking) how lucky I am.